Woke Up Dead

Le-Nguyen is a Viet-Namese name.

European peasants in the middle ages didn’t start to get rights until the Black Death plague in the 14th century killed so many of them that the remaining ones were suddenly much more valuable. I wonder if something similar, albeit less dramatic might happen as a result of this pandemic. I’m not talking about the

That’s great, I like track and field and would be happy to see all records from the 80s and 90s broken. Those decades seem to be prime years for cheaters, before communism and its state-sponsored doping programs fell in the early nineties, and before the BALCO investigations in the USA more than a decade later. I know

No Oakleys, no facial hair, and married to a Jewish woman from New Jersey? Not the bro-dozer type. He drives a big boring crossover that’s as basic as his bitch.

I sometimes get tired of stories and videos on The Root about mundane, racist people doing mundane, racist shit. They’re a drag, a downer, depressing.

Nine times out of ten they don’t add anything of value. Reporter asks predictable boring question that can only have one predictable boring answer for reporter’s pre-written article, bored athlete answers it in a predictable, boring way. Reporters benefit by having content for their story.

Talking to the press is part of the job, but players should get a handful of “sick days” that they can announce ahead of time to skip their media obligations occasionally.

They never have...

Edit: didn’t read the NY Times charts correctly. I do wish their chart that shows support for BLM race went back further than the beginning of 2020, it’d be useful to see how white people’s support for BLM compares now to 2018 for example.

And seeing as children are selfishAF by nature, they get in the car and want to hear their music, too.

Sorry, but if the entire incident was captured on that video then it’s a big nothing. You can get around the Washington Post paywall to see the video here if you open it in a “private” or “incognito” window:

How much time do you lose following them slowly? A minute? Two? More time than at a railroad crossing or at a school bus stop or through a construction zone?

I agree with his opinions in this article, but I do hope that that picture of him putting something in his mouth was taken in the before-times.

I think that’s the conclusion that The Ring magazine came to as well, along with a lot of the old-time boxing press that saw both of them in their prime.

Boxing has the best stories and Ali’s is definitely very interesting, but I wish more attention was given to other interesting boxers. I don’t think even casual boxing fans have much left to learn about Ali: Olympic gold medal, conversion and name change, dominance, away from the sport as a conscientious objector,

Hey, that’s just a short walk into a better neighbourhood from my house! I concur, it’s a good bet that good money was cluelessly spent here.

Maybe you’re right, I was using a very loose definition of “almost all,” I was assuming enough to start returning to pre-pandemic habits.

In Alabama, AL.com reports about 50 parents showed up at a Monday evening meeting at Hoover City Schools to express their outrage over the school district’s mask mandate that will extend through next year.

It’s cool, but you could have picked a better picture than the fight, a goal celebration by one of them maybe? Especially since the bigger Connauton whooped (not Jersey Joe) Walcott to the point that he let up a bit at the end since the refs were too busy with another fight to break up theirs.