Woke Up Dead

Oh totally. I’ve never had the cops called on me, but once every year or so I run into someone who doesn’t mind their own business and is eager to either criticize my parenting skills that they observed for all of ten seconds, or point out that I’m breaking some extremely minor rule that does not affect them in any

I met a couple Iranians who were proud that Persians were considered Aryan by the Nazis.

This is EXACTLY the way Bill Peters lost his NHL coaching job over two years ago. Peters said those exact same words to Akim Aliu when he was coaching him in the AHL (minor league) years ago, and when the story eventually came out years later, the Calgary Flames fired him.

Not only.

Additionally, Americans (and Canadians) also have dozens of monuments to Nazi collaborators across our countries too...

A question for those who were paying attention to news and discourse since the 90's; when did American political and societal discourse start turning to shit? I was watching parts of a YouTube clip of a discussion/debate from 1983, and it wasn’t bad. Viewpoints I didn’t agree with were presented coherently and

I keep thinking about the “only hit dogs howl” metaphor that Michael Harriot uses in other articles here. It shouldn’t be so hard to take this impersonally; racism clearly exists and some/lots/most/whatever white people are racist, but some/lots/most are not. If you “actually raised (your) kids to love people and

He’s great in this show, but I preferred him as Tony Soprano. How lucky do you have to be to get roles on two iconic shows in the same decade? I like this picture of him with Michael Imperioli from their last day together on the set of The Sopranos.

A right-wing symbol over a Komsomol tie, I’m confused.

The Roma slur on the other hand, he should have known better

Poof, like a grey fart in the wind. Your turn Kaleb.


From what I read on another article here, they actually started shooting even before he tried to flee. If only there was a way to verify or negate that rumour...

No Google reviews for his bar, it’s a clean slate...

The laugh at the end was awesome, I hope he heard it over the car engines.

I found parts 2 and 3, couldn’t find part 1; anyone got a link?

While Black people generally believe that there is bias in policing, they also believe there is systemic racism in education, the criminal justice system, financial institutions, the electoral process, the medical industry and even stores and restaurants.

Even a white person shood be very scared that this sort of moronic imbecile could take them out in a drunken haze.

>>I don’t understand why there’s a 10% No Dice vote out there! How can you hate it?

Of course we are! We’re pretending that this highly successful woman born into a family of entertainers and with two decades of her own career experience didn’t have the last say on what will happen on that stage, and we’re also pretending that it’s a complete coincidence that the last line of the song they just