He should have called her what she wanted to be called, but insisting to be called “Doctor” when you’re not an M.D. and you’re not in an academic setting is pretentious.
He should have called her what she wanted to be called, but insisting to be called “Doctor” when you’re not an M.D. and you’re not in an academic setting is pretentious.
ND: The absolute best use for these is to modify them into a fantastic little trail rig. Any other use will not get the best out of this vehicle and there will be other cars better suited for those other purposes.
I’m torn on this one.
After reading the couple’s names and before clicking the article where they were pictured, I thought poor Mr. Finkel had to deal with TWO bridezillas.
Damn, it’s got overhangs like a city bus.
And the fact that Justin did the tearing and Janet got the blame just made it all the more offensive.
I see comparisons to minivans all over this thread, they’re missing the point. This isn’t a workhorse daily-driver minivan; this is a mini-RV, something to take to the campground and sleep warmly and comfortably. My friend’s retired parents have the version with the little sink and kitchenette, it’s awesome, my friend…
He also compared Floyd’s death to that of a man who may have died after being tased and hitting their head on the ground.
“Off-roading” isn’t really what most 4x4 hobbyists do, at least here on the west coast. They mostly drive on deactivated or poorly maintained logging or mining roads. 4x4'ers who rip up meadows or take shortcut/detours through the forest are like Cars and Coffee participants who crash when exiting the parking lot;…
Damn, you’re right. I should have thought this through a little more. OK, I guess a traffic stop would still have been needed in this case, IF they truly didn’t see the temporary paper in the window.
Once again, the Frogs are bassackwards in things.
The national railway company has as their main goal to make trains run. If they can break even, excellent! But it’s fine if they cost money because trains have to run no matter what, because they are as necessary as having municipality-owned roads to drive on.
There’s an article on Jalopnik about ending all traffic stops. It references the Duane Wright killing, but it would apply to this one too. Seems like a fairly easy first step: all police cars have cameras now.
I agree with everyone on this thread, and this is just semantics, but for the sake of accuracy: “ride the lightning” used to mean “get executed in the electric chair,” so that’s not what the cop would have meant here. I’m guessing these days “ride the lightning” is a metaphor for getting hit with an electric tazer.
You think that by the time your favourite musician hits 50 he will be clear of most dangers that kill the younger ones. I don’t know any of DMX’s work, but I’m guessing a lot of people here feel like I did four years ago when Chris Cornell died at 53. Sorry, guys.
Latex? Latex paint is water-based, washes off with soap and water. I think you meant oil-based paints.
“Good morning ma’am! And isn’t it a lovely morning?”
Slightly off-topic, but this: