
And by all accounts they’re fucking dreadful quality too. Not that it’s any surprise when she probably just buys toxic waste from China on Alibaba and sells it at a 7000% markup. I wish that whole dumpster fire of a family would fuck off permanently. Kanye included.

Related: I loved the whole “I didn’t inherit my wealth” as her defense of being “self-made”. Honey, no one said you inherited it, but we reserve the right to say that your empire was built on your father’s notariety defending a murderer, and your sister’s subsequent sex tape.

Why buy ColourPop when you can get Kylie’s stuff for triple the price?

I do not and will never understand why anyone would want to buy this trash person’s trash cosmetics.

Oh, Jesus. I’m very sorry to inform you, but if you’re complaining about not being just a TV show on a TV show that has chronicled your entire adult life thus far and been responsible for all of the wealth that you currently enjoy... you are basically a TV show.

I’m sorry, I just can’t sympathize much for her. You choose to make your life this public. Remember the third Osbourne sibling? No, you don’t. Because she was smart enough to stay out of this mess.

Fuck you, attention whore. Fuck you and your entire family of attention whores who make a shit ton of money doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. You could drop out of public life TODAY and never have to work a real job for the rest of your damn life. Dear God I wish this family would go away.

oh, I thought they were married for some reason. i agree with everything you said — my post wasn’t meant to defend khloe. she got with him when his gf was pregnant, and totally should have anticipated this happening. just saying i think they are all scummy — jez seems to be giving jordyn a pass when it seems to me

Seriously. I was reading the tweets last night and that one helped me understand many of the other replies dragging her.


Jesus. That should be a Wikipedia entry.

Damn... nailed. it.

Exactly!!!! But they forget all about what they’ve done. Khloe has repeatedly said that Tristian was not with Jordy when they started dating. And she has the nerve to call someone else a liar. All that family does is lie. Just like Kylie got her lips by over lining. They don’t know the truth. You see how quick Lylie

I had a baby! His name is Edward Douglas and he was born the day after Valentine’s Day. He’s pretty much the love of my life even though I’m breastfeeding like 8 hours a day and I’m stupid tired. I was really scared about post-partum depression because I am higher risk for it (my mom had it, I have had prior bouts of

She got dragged for filth! I’ve never seen a lashing that hard. I loved it.

Does everyone involved have to take their personal relationship problems to social media and blame/not blame each other? It’s SO attention-seeking and childish, trying to "win" a relationship triangle on the twitters...

I’m sure Khloe only sent those more conciliatory tweets this morning because of huge backlash she got in response to the first set of tweets.

I know wha5 you mean about Olivia Coleman - Broadchurch season 1 stayed with me for quite a while.  She was so good