
Neither do I. They take the piss, sure, but it's more crass than intentionally mean.

Hi Jezebel,

Sorry but, their house, their rules. The whole idea of putting up with kids to the point where they tend to walk all over you is a western concept that excludes accountability and maturity. If you can make the decision at 19 to drop out of college, surely you're mature enough to NOT date a bloody heroin addict. I call

Completely agree. Apparently she lived in a basement full of stoners and divided her time between that and taking a bed in a homeless shelter in the area. I'm actually irritated that she'd take a bed from an actual homeless person because her entire backstory screams of "I didn't get along with my parents so I loved

You're me alone. I don't get it either. This type of behaviour (which, honestly, could be dangerous) isn't fun or lighthearted or "aww shucks" and shouldn't be glorified.

“How to be yourself”— Advice from someone who is nothing like me. Makes sense to spend $165 on this. Totally.

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to recommend this. I will check it out.

Thank you!!

H used to have these weird “punishments” every time we’d fight and he’d always gaslight me into thinking it was my fault. I hate the fact I'd given into that crap for two whole years of my life.

Speaking of past flames (or flickers, even), I just got a message from an ex bf via DM. We dated for two years but he turned out to be a horrible gaslighter who just had to go in the end. He randomly gets in touch and asks if I’d gotten his message. I reply ‘nope’ because I’d changed numbers and had blocked him on all

That just tells me that the current standard of music is piss poor. Also, popularity doesn't equal talented. 

Yeah...nah. If this is what passes for talent, I'll stick to En Vogue and Missy.

I mean, personal reasons aside, surely you’d think he’d know that under his employer’s policy, he couldn’t simply say anything he wanted?

Very well said. The problem I feel is that, a lot of people (including contributors here) fail to account for all possibilities and all options.

Agreed. Her situation is horribly unfortunate and I wouldn't wish something like 'gay conversion therapy' on my worst enemy but, the college is technically following the scope of the rules. It's sad that she's in this predicament but surely she would have known about the  rules...?

Sorry, but “dozens who people who could back up allegations”is jack shit because that is hearsay at the end of it. And there is a reason why we have hearsay rules in court--because anyone can say anything. That does not make it true and the FBI is going to suss out the most relevant and informative people to

Was just going to mention that. There is literally no point in interviewing two people who have basically given their testimony in the form of questioning. Keep reaching though.

I have a question: Would democrats be behaving this way were the roles reversed? Also, who are these so called witnesses who the FBI apparently failed to interview and what is the relevance of their testimony?

I agree

Honestly, the amount of unsubstantiated white noise in this place is pretty sad to come across. I actually challenge any frequent poster on this forum to really go through every single rule of evidence under U.S. law and see if Ford’s testimony really holds up as per standard. The justice system is founded on the