
And what MAGA dudes would know who he was in the first place?

It reminded me of “It’s Guiliani time!

I gave Jussie the benefit of the doubt at first, but thought there was something hinky about the “This is MAGA country!” line.  I mean, I’m not doubting that some Trump supporter somewhere would say it, but it sounds so... like what a script writer would make someone say in a movie rather than something someone would

As someone who has worked with a lot of ‘creative types’ in the past, I can second this. 

Not to paint too broad of a brush stroke here, but a lot of “creatives” I know aren’t exactly the most analytically minded people.

When I first heard the story my initial reaction was that it sounded exactly like what someone in Hollywood thinks a hate crime looks like, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the

It’s so strange because one would think that the risk/ reward just don’t add up. Like, how much of a boost in sales is that going to yield? And the downside, that this comes out, is like apocalyptically bad for him. Not just his career but his standing in the communities his claims of hate crime elicited.

Regarding #2, maybe because he is black and gay and the Chicago cops don’t have a great rep in dealing with either of those communities, he didn’t think they would take it seriously?

This is the problem. I’m weary of the argument that we shouldn’t push for leftist policies because the right will attack us in bad faith. That is what the right does, they attack in bad faith. However, making up a story out of thin air that vilifies MAGA dicks to garner sympathy only discredits the accounts of

I agree with you.  This guy can fuck off forever.

1) people you don’t know might be quicker to rat you out. Kind of hard to put this thing on Craigslist

Yes, it is an absolute gift to conservative media and racist assholes. People who cry wolf and stage hoaxes like this cause immense harm to the most vulnerable of communities. Fuck. This. Guy.

At one point I’d read that he only called the cops after a friend insisted he do it.

We have a local conservative talk radio station in Birmingham and they are eating this story up.  Dude fucked up big time and is making real racially motivated crimes look like a joke.  

Presumably this thing got away from him, that he set out to goose his music sales with a little extra drama for social media, but the cops got involved and they took it more seriously than he thought they would and then he couldn’t stop digging and now, here we are.

Treats her staff like shit? So, the female Donald Trump? No thanks.

It doesn’t fuck with society to view girls as victims. Boys are expected to fight, the ones that succumbed didn’t ‘fight hard enough’ or chose to participate.  Grooming is grooming regardless of gender.

MJ disgusts me, but he wasn’t the only one. There were some stories about Steven Tyler, Jimmy Page and others paying parents for their under age girls.

We’re gaslit by this one because there are no ‘perfect victims’.  The kids were often pimped out by their own parents to Michael.  Money perverted the truth in bribes and gifts.  The same victims who took hush money in the past are now able to tell their stories with some hope of being believed.  But due to the money

I’m just surprised it took this long. I was honestly starting to doubt that he’d actually done anything because no one seemed to be coming out with anything about him. I assumed he’d have been one of the first to be taken down after Weinstein.

#MuteMichael as in stop selling/playing his music? Who am I kidding! That’s not going to happen. The victims are boys. Boys/men do not make ‘good victims’ of sexula abuse. Just think about the Catholic priest abuse scandals. People were talking about some prominent clergy members, but never about the molested boys.