
Katie dialing 91 on her phone, just in case. 

But he’s doing worse than another candidate, so maybe it really is about the candidates. Whatever you might think about people who aren’t sold on voting for Biden yet (a group of people I generally cannot comprehend), their votes count. So it really is Biden’s responsibility to try to win them over.  He needs to win

This comment took an interesting left turn. From “Be wary of white women falsely accusing black men of crimes” to “Let’s not investigate a white woman accusing a white man of something that he has already been known due to do and of something for which she has some corroborating evidence even though a failure to

I mean, Monica Lewinsky wasn’t “Monica Lewinsky” at the time. In the 90's she was a manipulative homewrecking slut, until much later when people were like “Oh, I guess that was probably a smear...”

I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this but I think the reason a lot of people are bending over backwards to believe Ms. Reade is because the right has effectively weaponize “Believe women” to paint progressives as hypocrites and I think most people could have seen that coming a mile away. Unfortunately, issues

Exactly!  So Joe Biden is innocent.

It ABSOLUTELY IS problematic.  We should NOT have a rapist in the White House, period, no matter which party they are affiliated with.  Not to mention Biden’s record in basically his entire political career is also incredibly incredibly awful, even arguably worse than Trump’s (Biden was instrumental in convincing a

I hate to break it to you, but it’s possible to be disenchanted by Biden as a candidate and think that Trump is a menace who shouldn’t get re-elected at the same time.

It’s a thirty year old complaint. I don’t know that I’d expect someone to keep any particular personnel record like that (although it’s a good idea to do so!), especially not for 30 years. And she has said there is a complaint, not much more she can do beyond that.

I don’t think so. There have been a number of instances where the misconduct, particularly misconduct pertaining to the abuse of women by men in power, has simply been ignored, minimized or dismissed outright. It was worth it to for us to think through the implications of appointing someone who had such an issue in

Is it possible that the takeaway here is that the left overreacted to the Kavanaugh allegations.

However, if you look at these politicians and celebrities that assault women, it’s not usually an isolated incident. I hate saying this, but it’s going to take more women coming out against Biden, for me to give it more credibility. I hate this so much.

She’s a sitting Senator who was/is in the fight. To give an interview without commenting on what Black/Poor people Corona stuff you actually came in with, capitulated on, lost and won, in these critical moments, right after thinking people should elect you Prez, is just a miss.

I don’t have a lot of faith that John Kerry 2: The Presidential Boogaloo can take the election in the fall.  But then again, my hopes for that were dashed with Warren dropping out.

I’m not sure why he waited until after Wisconsin voters were forced to stand in line during a pandemic primary

Joe Biden is a rapist. If that's purity testing, sorry, I'm all for it

This primary has sucked. There seemed to be a real chance to either have some combination of (1) the emergence of a real progressive candidate enthusiastically pursuing a real progressive platform, (2) the emergence of a youngish leader for the party moving forward or (3) the emergence of a candidate reflective of the

I’ve created a burner just to confess that I had a huge crush on Fauci when I was in my early 20s and he was in his 60s and I was a lowly NIH intern in Bethesda.

Must be that ass cause it ain’t that face...

Good. You need 1,991 delegates to win the nomination, and Biden isn’t there yet. The next few weeks are a golden opportunity for Biden to show that he has something to offer younger voters/Sanders supporters, who presumably the Biden camp would like to have in the fold come November, besides “I can beat Trump.” In a