
I cannot wait for the Bret Stephens and Jennifer Rubin columns in, like, October, where they explain that after much soul searching and hand wringing they feel they just cannot bring themselves to vote for Joe Biden because of the questions relating to Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine, because they fear Biden

So, Jez writes about this but not the audio tapes in which Amber admits to violent behavior (hitting him & throwing cookware), complains that Johnny “splits” during fights, blames him for perpetuating fights because he leaves the room but not the house, admits to having a volatile temper, says she cant promise to not

The bank.

Just because you like black pussy doesn’t mean that you love black women.

LMAO. Is his campaign using InspiroBot?

Garrett, have you seen today’s Washington Post puff piece about how Amy ran for office because she was kicked out of the hospital 24 hours after giving birth?

That “I put a black boy behind bars for life over an accidental killing” is a significant part of her answer to “how have you helped black communities?” says an awful lot about her career in the first place, little of it good. And if he’s behind bars on some bullshit to boot, that should be the end of the line for

WOC here, and not just WOC, but black woman. Race plays a role in reactions and if you indulge for a minute, I would like to explain how. The reactions and counter-reactions are not in a void. Just as strong as the revulsion many woman have to a credibly alleged rapist being lionized there is a strong revulsion in the

To be fair to a lot of the press--especially at ESPN-- they've literally known Bryant to some degree or another his entire adult life and he died less than 24 hours before they made their remarks... Even if you're normally objective shock alone probably mutes your reaction. 

I think Kobe’s closest comparison is OJ—another man who was accused of violent crime against a white woman. In both cases they weren’t held legally liable but didn’t get off so cleanly in civil cases. (Kobe settled, OJ lost.) And both came about as close to confessing as it’s possible to do without actually

There are people, many of whom I respect (e.g., Marc Lamont Hill and Jemele Hill) paying glowing tributes to Bryant, and they are doing it in an uncritical way. And I suspect it is based on the impact Kobe had on them personally. It is a feeling I sympathize with. I also suspect part of it has to be the suddenness of

A least u mentioned the rape, but let’s not act like this was a she said he said case. There was a lot of damning evidence against Kobe. He clearly raped her and u can admit that and still talk about the good he did and the legacy of his career. People are complicated and we can be honest about the good and the bad. 

Rape charges are a “bump” in his history.

As a black man, I have to swallow plenty of razor blades as a drive by a mountain with three slave and black female rape apologists etched into it, an avowed bigot memorialized with a statue down Peachtree Street, hundreds of monuments to similar monsters, etc while being presided over by a man who admitted to sexual

Since we are speculating, so did Donald Trump, Ben Roethlisberger, Roman Polański.

Not many folks were rooting against Mo’. Most folks were just of the opinion she was tripping and if she didn’t like the Netflix deal, the proper move was to go prove them wrong, not try to elevate it to civil rights status.

Bernie is so wrong. America doesnt have a problem with a female President. But Warren wont win because America will never elect a Native American.

Wait, that’s not Simone Biles!

Please make note of my comment directed towards Rooo above.

I've made this comment before. Her record as a prosecutor meant progressives wouldn't support her. Her policy on everything else, which she tried to shape to attract progressives, meant the moderates wouldn't support her either.