
i, for one, like drac zappa.

oh i guess this is the bad guy convention

this episode is scary and now i'm scared.

there's something generational going on here.

i only knew who these clowns were because the chris martin song is occasionally on the good radio station, but now…

also, justin halpern is garbage.

every GD radio station in boston still plays sublime constantly. even the emerson college station, which plays like angel olsen and kurt vile. play that hoppin' number about the 14 year old whore again. fuckin christ.

they better damn well play "inevitability of death"

i appreciate the total lack of snark in this post, AV Club.

i have to take nights off every now and then because the atmosphere is so terrifying to me.

the weird part is if someone told me that SCRUBS was still on CW or something, i'd be surprised but not shocked.

nickelodeon has eroded so drastically over the last decade. this is all a desperate attempt to get 25-35 year olds to force their kids to watch nick instead of disney. i can say with a very tiny amount of inside knowledge that the place is paralyzed with fear of failure; "if i push this project and it bombs, then i'm

do the right thing, pizzolatto: turn the season over to an up and comer and just produce it.

I thought by "don't deserve" you meant "are beneath." I wish that had been the case.

unsolved mysteries theme music. also aliens

gentlemen… meet Llug.

some of these seem to boil down to "i LOVE this genre/thing is catered MY tastes, i just can't handle when anyone pushes the boundaries of it." which is fine, it happens a lot.

this is a watered down offshoot of Star Wars Ring Theory, which is also BS. i mean just because a poet follows the rules of writing a sonnet doesn't make it canonically brilliant.

she only has 8 letters in her name. I DON'T TRUST HER.

all of it