
Do these look the same to you

The funniest part is that he got all decked out in cammies and high-vis then walked out into a field. I guess he’s big in to ambiance, because he could have just had that guy open the cage out in the parking lot and saved everyone a lot of time.

Real hunters I know call this thrill killing, and find it morally reprehensible.

The whole Email scandal with Hilary has to have some legs on it, right?

Wait. Wait. You want to put fucking Inboxghazi on par with all the intensely heinous shit that Weasel Walker’s pulled? Like, for serious?

Fiscal conservatism at its finest.

Don’t forget about the part where he essentially forced Milwaukee to pay for a stadium for the least relevant team in basketball as he accepted generous campaign funding from the owners who should have been paying for the stadium.

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

He kept us safe if you ignore that the most deadly terrorist attack on American soil happened on his watch.

Someone drove on the wrong side of the road for a bit and you hope he gets a crowbar to his skull?

The pomp and circumstance is necessary to distract you from the fact that you are watching people kill each other.

Fits right in with the military branding.

An incomplete list of things I hate about the NFL:

The love that Dr. Dre gets from the media makes me rage. He made a few classics, that are frankly overrated, imo. Is the face of some crappy headphones. And has done more harm than good for black culture (on top of his mis-treatment of women).

It was especially depressing some six months back to read the script to this and Sony executives’ responses to and suggestions for it. Every person involved thought this was the perfectly-executed movie with a brilliant, sharp script. Not one person ever dared step in to say, “wait wait wait this is absolutely fucking

No. I remember how Parsons was pissed that the Rockets weren’t putting any offer on the table, so he wanted to leave and subsequently signed the offer sheet with Dallas.

The 60 yarder gave me the chills. Sometimes you see something and don’t even realize on the surface how nuts it is, but subconsciously you just know.

This is the greatest video in the history of sport.

Sex might be the only thing he does anymore that’s below par.