
Do n̶o̶ evil

And then we can launch community broadband and ditch the ISPs

Proud to be a Californian today


here, let us take the art out of photography and make everything look like the wallpaper from Windows 98. Thank you so much MIT.

I can’t believe there’s a politician I hate more than Donald Trump and that turtle faced fuck McConnell. Fuck Jeff Sessions with a 2x4.

Since when do republicans abide by any sort of consistent doctrine other than reduce taxes and spend more on wars?

Since when does the right in the US make decisions based on evidence? C’mon now.

Just watched it again for the first time in about 15 years the other night... great film

because you will and $$$$

Curt Schilling?

Guess what, roads weren’t built for cars; they were around long before that. Everyone in a car seems to think otherwise, but it doesn’t make it true.

It’s funny how this shit goes. The end is nigh, we’re told, because Republican voters selected, have selected, are selecting a presidential candidate who embodies literally every animating force in American conservatism—every Great Man myth it has spun around some rich, domineering bully; every mean bigotry and

“600 yd uphill dogleg left par 5 which our playing mate actually scored an albatross on”

Afrikaans... they’re S. African

Can we stop referring to it as Fox News and call it what it is... Fox Propaganda?

Came here to say this... and well said. I don’t know why Americans who supposedly put such a high value on freedom fail to recognize what that really means. “We love freedom when it’s not encroaching on our specific set of values and lists of annoyances” is not how it works people.

When I was 15-16 I used to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and walk the 3 miles to my GF’s house for sexytime. I pulled this off successfully for several months until I got caught by my mom... who at that time had an insanely intense temper. Upon returning home at 5 in the morning on a Saturday, I

The people of the past had to deal with infinately worse over much of the world. Tribal war, ethnic cleansing, lack of any semblance of human rights, tourture, subjugation and enslavement, the murder of entire cultures and civilizations. Today is the safest time to be alive; they want you to be afraid, don’t let them