
1. Fuck Mike Huckabee

OK, that explains him. Now, what about the nearly 63 million loons who looked at him and said, “He seems smart”?

And . . . CVS is no longer my pharmacy of choice.

Yeah but Trump’s white and Obummer’s a SEKRIT KENYAN MOOSLIM and also black, so what can you do?

So the President whose legacy McCain fought so hard to destroy gives him a message like this, while the current one that he has knuckled under to countless times calls him a loser for being a POW. Yet, somehow in the eyes of Republicans, Obama will always be the evil one.

His high school nickname was “McNasty” He has always been a mean piece of shit.

The one thing Trump can point to is Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court Justice and only because the GOP dick move.

I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.

He’s a freakin’ dipshit.

They elected someone other than Ellison to chair the DNC and I’m supposed to be optimistic for the future?

That means Eddie Munster/Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are joining with amphibian Mitch McConnell to create a megazord of dismantling destruction.

I hope it kills him. With pain.

Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.

A few months ago I said he’s borderline agoraphobic. He only stays at Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago, only flies in his own plane (and returns to Trump Tower in said plane after every out of town engagement). Now he’s proving it.