1. Fuck Mike Huckabee
1. Fuck Mike Huckabee
OK, that explains him. Now, what about the nearly 63 million loons who looked at him and said, “He seems smart”?
And . . . CVS is no longer my pharmacy of choice.
According to a new report from the campaign finance watchdog group MapLight, three major corporations—which all…
Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been multiply and credibly accused of sexually preying on teenage girls,…
Yeah but Trump’s white and Obummer’s a SEKRIT KENYAN MOOSLIM and also black, so what can you do?
So the President whose legacy McCain fought so hard to destroy gives him a message like this, while the current one that he has knuckled under to countless times calls him a loser for being a POW. Yet, somehow in the eyes of Republicans, Obama will always be the evil one.
His high school nickname was “McNasty” He has always been a mean piece of shit.
The one thing Trump can point to is Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court Justice and only because the GOP dick move.
Like an old-growth tree that moves pitifully slow compared to the deadly encroachments of climate change, the…
One of the greatest cons in modern political history is the Republican Party’s success at casting themselves as the…
I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.
He’s a freakin’ dipshit.
They elected someone other than Ellison to chair the DNC and I’m supposed to be optimistic for the future?
That means Eddie Munster/Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are joining with amphibian Mitch McConnell to create a megazord of dismantling destruction.
I hope it kills him. With pain.
Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.
A few months ago I said he’s borderline agoraphobic. He only stays at Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago, only flies in his own plane (and returns to Trump Tower in said plane after every out of town engagement). Now he’s proving it.
Economic inequality in America has been rising steadily since the Reagan era. Why? A new research paper identifies…
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to fight the sense that, for the rest of my life, I’ll be writing about black…