
Pai is being deliberately coy to give each carrier ample opportunity to top each other’s bribes to make this all go away.

Pai, who did not identify the carrier behind the apparent violation by name, said the next stage of MF-II process was suspended until the agency’s investigation was complete.

1. Fuck Mike Huckabee

Interesting, because most of the fossil fuel donations went to Republicans.

OK, that explains him. Now, what about the nearly 63 million loons who looked at him and said, “He seems smart”?

Americans are in about the top 10% for work hours internationally, from 2015 to 2017 (the consistent leader is Mexico). U.S. worker productivity has increased 77% since the early 70s, at around 6 times the rate that pay has increased. So, in roughly one person’s working life, we’ve darn near doubled productivity, and

You done drunk the damn koolaid ya fucking shit witted twit.

In support of Bernie and your comment, here’s an interesting take from Bloomberg:

Pull your head out of your ass.

This is a pretty important idea. I don’t think the bill goes anywhere but it’s something a ton of people don’t understand. Companies are being subsidized and laughing all the way to the bank. Republicans respond that the social safety net is the problem and then keep up a narrative that the poor job creators have such

And . . . CVS is no longer my pharmacy of choice.

Because dark, moody pictures aren’t good photos. It must be bright and cheery.

Yeah but Trump’s white and Obummer’s a SEKRIT KENYAN MOOSLIM and also black, so what can you do?

So the President whose legacy McCain fought so hard to destroy gives him a message like this, while the current one that he has knuckled under to countless times calls him a loser for being a POW. Yet, somehow in the eyes of Republicans, Obama will always be the evil one.

His high school nickname was “McNasty” He has always been a mean piece of shit.

The one thing Trump can point to is Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court Justice and only because the GOP dick move.