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    It helped to read the book after seeing the movie a bunch of times, because they spend a little more time explaining who Haldemann and Porter and everyone are.

    The hero we deserve

    Someone was joking that in a week we won't remember Flynn's name. I didn't think it would be because he's going to be such a nobody once the dust clears on this story.

    Already old news, since NYT is basically saying the whole team was doing the same shit as Flynn.

    They just had Melania this past week, in the "Leslie is Trump" sketch. Wigged Leslie is now living with Melania in the SNL universe.

    That's… not where the shit is handled.

    Find the timestamp on that tweet, then see what was on Fox News 13 minutes earlier. I suspect the phrase "accumulation of data" was right there.

    Trying to reclaim the phrase "Milo Goes to College" from neonazi shitheads…

    Boring old white guys is the world's most easily renewable natural resource.

    I hear Mike Flynn might be looking for a new shitshow to join!

    "OH, COME ON," he said, repeatedly, at least once per page.

    Bat signal-shaped pizza? Don't mind if I do!

    Maybe a prequel about Bruce Wayne's world


    "What's really OVER is all those Islamic terrorists are OVER THERE and we are just trying to KEEP you safe! I am going to KEEP talking because I just want to be on TV!"

    Boring old white guys is the world's most easily renewable natural resource.

    And the Grammy for "Best New Recipient of a Briefbase of Crisp Twenties" goes to…

    They never had a "Hillary Clinton but it's Fatal Attraction and she's still trying to seduce even as she threatens" sketch.

    He'll just @ every American citizen "YOU'RE FIRED."