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    "Pausing & looking around the room" is only something someone does when they feel shame.

    Yeah, all my Michigan teacher friends (where DeVos has been wreaking havoc for some time) are terrified.

    It was pretty crazy seeing her before her first album was even out, opening a show at a big theater and just completely winning over a whole room of bored, crossed-arm "waiting for the headliner" indie kids.

    ANNIE CLARK: [throws up in mouth a little] Oh!

    Most of us are sobbing in real life while taking occasional breaks to make jokes on the internet.

    "Oh, hey Will. Are you still picking up the kids Friday, or do you need to switch weekends? My schedule's ok either way."

    Hot take: SNL often isn't either!

    Nothing but crumpled porno and Ayn Rand!

    "A 6-block-long trailer and Radiohead plays my kid's birthday party or I WALK"

    My favorite Prince album is Sign O the Times, but even better would be some alternate universe version where some of the songs are present as a Radio Edit. Get that thing down to maybe 50 minutes and it's perfect.

    Have someone really nebbish play him, all stammering to get a word in with Tough Guy Bannon…

    "Buy Ivanka's brands! Enter the code WTF at checkout…"

    Are you referring to her avatar? That's Photoshop.

    I'm just glad they got Darrell "I'm not going to say any lines that would offend the person I'm impersonating" Hammond back out of there.

    Whipped cream in the coffee? Ah, why not, I'm already way off my diet!

    I mean I wouldn't put it past SNL to severely overplay its hand here…

    He always seems like he's THIS close to shutting down the rebellious ski school for a new condo development.


    "Find me the highest cheekbones in all the land!"

    I don't think SNL is nuanced enough to have men play women without it seeming like shitty homophobic drag, but I do appreciate that Trump's reaction to McCarthy-Spicer was "now I think you're a woman and I don't like you anymore."