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    I thought the whole point of these 50 Shades movies was to make coming easy for women over 50.

    Right? If she'd thought about it for a minute, she'd have realized that even being reminded about Meet Joe Black would just make people think there was a direct to video Meet the Parents sequel.

    "If you don't appear in our movie, we'll remind everyone you were in Meet Joe Black!"


    Annette Bening

    So he created a Twitter poll, voted, then closed it before anyone else could vote?

    I wonder if he ends them with "SAD!" because he's actually yelling "SEND" at Siri but doesn't know how Siri works.

    It's too bad he hates CNN, or else Anderson Cooper could sneak Kathy Griffin in under his waistcoat.

    Oh, I'll read articles about him all day if it means I never have to actually listen to / look at him speaking.

    I find it weird that I, a person who really just reads Twitter and doesn't say much, have 50 followers. Because at least 30 of them are people describing themselves as in the entertainment industry who are following thousands of accounts. Is this some weird Twitter marketing trick? To follow lots of random people in

    Such coarse language! I thought my post was fine.

    Can we get Ashton Kutcher to "punk" him into signing some new civil rights legislation?

    I loved their 12-minute opus "From What Shall I Get Fired Next?"

    I thought Edward was Latin for "You're not so bad yourself,"

    Doherty & Feldman: together at last!

    Now that ACA is being repealed, you're probably better off just calling 84 Lumber.

    This is the year we finally admit it's a holiday about conquering natives.

    No mainstream facts, ma'am

    The lumber web site wouldn't let you log in?

    Bring it up in conversation, and you'll be the Centaur of attention!