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    Were the stairs just another layer of Trump trolling?

    The Patriots are the Exxon of football. They're transparently evil and will never stop winning.

    You guys are pretty sharp.

    The official name in English for Switzerland is "Swiss Confederation." In Latin, that is Confoederatio Helvetica, which is abbreviated CH.

    At how many of these shows are we going to have to give Tom Brady another trophy afterward?

    Jar Jar Drudge, noted nu-metal guitarist.

    Once I heard his thoughts on on the Washington football team, I stopped wondering what he thought about things.

    We NEVER joke about such things! That is to say, we are very serious about how much we pay in relation to how much we cum.


    Jay-Z is not on board

    He can't shut up about the New York Times.

    "It should have been ME on that insulation! Signing away my likeness, even!"

    Jazz cigarettes and regular coffee

    I did not consider him a legit source

    And we referenced!
    Posted away for a moment my chance!
    And we referenced and referenced and referenced and referenced

    My local ornithological society has the BEST wings.

    Once I've burned through all my state legislators, I'll keep that in mind

    T-Boz? More like TEACHER-BOZ

    I learned that the number 2 can be used as an adverb or a preposition WITHIN THE VERY SAME CHORUS

    But they keep posting on their nieces' FB walls to "get over it" with the political stuff.