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    Nah, that was definitely because of something you did.

    Iowa tried to warn us in the '08 and/or '12 primaries!

    Fortunately for you, cats do not use any bathroom they want.

    Wow, this pet show got PG-13 fast

    Oh, fuck off already

    Mass Westminsiteria!

    "I know we're Bravo, but what this new programming block presupposes is… boo?"

    This is like when MTV stopped being about music or TLC stopped being about learning.

    I sat in the room for part of the first Harry Potter movie as my kids watched it.

    "Wine, oh, forever!"

    Bob needs you to leave behind 300 new policy holders for him, or else he won't qualify for his annual bonus.

    Right? In my experience it's more like "regular coffee please" "OK look I've already served it to before you even got your credit card out"

    And McCain's always been that way. He loses his temper about things all across the political spectrum, too.

    Gueeeeeeeest bedroom!

    That was interesting when you could see who downvoted your posts on here.

    Remember how he didn't follow his younger daughter on Twitter until it was a news story that he didn't?

    No strong opinion on either Fitzgerald here, but I have a VERY high opinion of Kate Beaton!

    I tried to watch this, but when I switched to that channel, I was gettin' nothin' but static!

    Skittles can probably be stored a little longer.

    I forgot to ask the carrot what kind of day it had been.