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    I really enjoyed the aerial wirework on the rockets in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Fences.

    The Village was almost solely responsible for people having that opinion… and then it was followed by all those movies that no one liked. But yes Robot Chicken probably helped perpetuate it.

    Also watched Spirited Away with my kids for the first time. I'd forgotten how intense it gets in the middle with dragon Haku bleeding everywhere and monster No-Face eating everyone!

    Marched in Madison WI with my kids! So many ladies stopped to compliment or photograph the sign my daughter made. Then we went home and looked at the photos from other marches during supper. They dug all of it.

    Sounds like SOMEONE'S sophomore album got a 3.7 on Pitchfork!

    OK, good. Someone already did it. I can clock out, then!

    If you're on a mobile device, you also need to be fully charged first.

    So since 1927?

    Because they knew you'd click and comment. Thanks for your business!

    So if I renew my way-too-expensive plan where I can't make phone calls outside a major city, I can stream Lemonade? Hmmm…

    I wound up with a promo copy of So Much Staying Alive and Lovelessness long after I'd stopped paying attention to JOA, and I recall digging it quite a bit.

    First one, then the other!

    I smell a new animated spinoff: Star Wars: Force Ghosts!

    And she'll be all "Sod off! Han Solo is my mentor!" and he'll be like "Hey, I had two mentors!" and then she'll come back with "Yeah but you were a WHINEY FUCKING BABY to both of them, so again, sod off!"

    Episode X: Jedis IN SPACE! Mind…blown!

    [Tugs at collar] Um, yes, two tickets to the new Star War, please!

    Meet the Hobgoblins: Frankie, Sniffles, Bounce-Bounce, and Garris Shrike.

    "Like" if you agree
    "Share" if you believe
    "Garris Shrike" if you're a benevolent despot

    This discussion of phrases people misuse really raises the question of whether "begging the question" is used properly more than 1% of the time it is used!

    We'd all say, "You guys know that Bilge Stinkwater?" And then everyone would always reply, "What a cutie!"