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    We have always seen her in Adventureland

    Because you understand how language works.

    I literally have no idea what this list means.

    Then we'll send some sort of THIEVES after him. Maybe some that RESEMBLE FLIES which will likely make it easier for them to catch him.

    Look, we won't know what's in his heart until we give him a chance.

    The whole "I hope [shitty person] one day wakes up realizes they're shitty and stops it" never pans out. Real life isn't A Christmas Carol.

    He wasn't funny in that movie, but he was fine as a character that didn't really need to be funny for the movie itself to keep being funny.

    It frees him up for his new role as Secretary of the Interior.

    By the time Billy Madison came out, I was so sick of his "turkey for me / what rhymes with turkey" crap every dang week on SNL for 5 years.

    … and Ken Ober, and Colin Quinn, and the keyboard player who definitely looked like the keyboard player from Prince's "1999" video but I've never found any proof that they were the same curly-haired keyboard player.

    I didn't realize they were just going ahead and adding "Silly" to his movie titles now.

    I thought Adam Sandler was funny on Remote Control, but I chalk that up to being 12.

    It's like ten thousand spoons / when all you need is a knife / to stab your shady manager

    The debate over this song is so Kafkaesque.

    "I pay you guys good money to rip shit from the headlines and for Hargitay to act concerned about that shit. All I ask is enough clean bills to keep my giant money-bed fluffy, and that I not be interrupted with the day to day operations."

    I'm not knowin' Jack about their ages, and I'm not Karen.

    Soon I'll be converting part of our rec room into an extra bedroom! Might not be "artistic" but I get a get a kick out of remodeling, especially when it means I get to draw floor plans.

    I'm guessing 4 months is actually fairly speedy for all the lawyery paperwork necessary for such a thing.

    My dog is miraculously recovering from his mysterious ailment!