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    I just heard the original from I wanna say 1958? I really liked it. Also, it contains more words than George's cover!

    "We made a list of songs. That list contains 'Heaven is a Place on Earth' 25 times. We ask bands to come in and choose a song off the list to cover, or we cut off their drummer's thumbs."

    Neko Case was born in Alexandria VA and grew up in Tacoma WA.

    Kathryn Calder is her name, and she's been in the band for 12 years!

    Neko hasn't missed a tour in a really long time, I thought.

    "That was neither a mass NOR was it romantic!"

    In my mind, Key is really tall. But Eichner seems so much taller. My sense of proportion is being thrown!

    Dang, and I'd made it 6 months on this computer without needing it!

    Dang. Gangrene will be a hell of a way to go.

    AD EXEC: What movies should we be promoting this week?
    AD EXEC: [puts head down, walks out of office]

    Did you offer to replace his click-together laminate with actual wood?

    Instead of a shitty surprise party that she knew about it & wasn't looking forward to, I canceled the party and got her a spa day and then we went to a fancy hotel w/ free top shelf drinks and rooftop restaurant.

    They've already greenlit Taken It 2 the Step Up 2 the Streets.

    How was YOUR weekend, Colonel?

    I'm not seeing it anywhere


    So, which will happen first: nuclear apocalypse, or a messy revolution which results in one or more post-USA nations in its place?

    Replaced planks, or like a laminate that you click together over the old floor?

    Good! My dog didn't die and I was able to surprise my un-surprise-able wife for her birthday!

    How long will Bill Maher be autoplaying on every single AVC article?