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    1) Estimates were said to be a little iffy this weekend due to weather on the East Coast
    2) Hidden Figures' word of mouth was stronger than expected

    I didn't realize it was him until afterward. I thought the voice was fine as a well-meaning buffoon.

    "Saaaay, waaaait a minute, these figures aren't hidden AT ALL! In fact, they are the main characters, and the film posits them as the heroes!"

    Also, after discussing Kubo (at which point my daughter insisted we watch Coraline together), I showed her Totorro. Wow. Just fits of laughter from her. I'd forgotten how long the stretches were where only mundane things happen and then BOOM! Cat bus!

    +1 on Zootopia, Kubo (bought it sight unseen as a Xmas gift for the kids! Daughter LOVED it), and Moana. Have yet to see Paddington.

    My wife had to work all weekend and my kids were being grumpy, so I mostly just cleaned up various things around the house.

    Too big… to fail, am I right?

    You're never too rich to be an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole.

    I would hope I were in the 3rd act of Sneakers and just hope Robert Redford rescued me in time.

    found it yet?

    keep us posted

    Oh, that part of the late 80s is DEFINITELY coming back.

    Can you do a tight five at the inauguration?

    Solange put out my favorite album of 2016.

    Big and Rich are also basically country rap.

    I mean her music's so good that she doesn't need to ride coattails, but I understand that this is an easy joke to make.

    A Seat at a Table in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe

    Her record covers have always just said "Solange."

    Gluten-free Bob Marley posters

    "Aisha, this is a great guide vocal you're do—"