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    1) Run-DMC deserves to be in the Hall
    2) Points are fuckin' deducted for resurrecting Aerosmith and their subsequent string of terrible hits.

    ELO have a few good songs ("Mr. Blue Sky" tops among them) but I just cannot get with Jeff Lynne's production style. Give something a chance to breathe, man!

    "I wrote this speech a long time ago. I don't like Trump. I think it's DOO-DOO"

    Hunger dunger HEE-HEE

    Look, if you split P-Funk into its actual bands, Chic probably outranks all of them. You don't get to call P-Funk a "band" just because George Clinton never slept.

    Hot take: Neal Schon is by far the biggest asshole in Journey.

    I'll be alright without ever hearing a fucking Journey song again

    Your sentence doesn't have a verb.

    I was hoping the movie would be about a fugitive android who travels to 1962 and takes on the identity of a young, brilliant NASA mathematician. The 3rd act where her enemies from the future arrive and she & Henson sing a duet while battling them would have been quite something.

    So you don't listen to comedy podcasts? There is massive overlap between comedy podcasters and comedy on Seeso.

    Same. "Can I add a show to my favorites, and you'll remember what episode I watched last?" "No, but you can scroll through the alphabetical listing every time and then try to remember the episode # you last watched while Seth Myers autoplays" "(Sigh). OK. It's worth it for all this Wyatt Cenac"

    Windows 98 is over nine times better than Windows 10!

    2016 is all about killing idols and rewarding assholes. Lewis is about to get a $10 million Genius Grant.

    Nic Cage figures he was going to run around and yell crazy shit all day anyway, so if someone wants to pay him to be filmed doing it, why not?

    Those were lean times for kid movies and kid TV. Pixar wasn't quite a brand yet, Disney musicals were hitting a low point, and Saturday morning TV had been usurped by Saved by the Bell and its knockoffs.

    I don't think Mike Myers thought they were ground-breaking comedy, but I think he spent weeks on end writing those jokes and worrying about whether they were comedy.

    Love the guy. I do follow him on Twitter.

    ♫ For the first time in forever,
    It can beeee twooo things! ♫

    Have you considered becoming an enemy of the state?

    I don't know about you, but I'm much grayer and chubbier than ever before. I guess it COULD be from the effects of aging…