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    Sounds like that would require listening to at least ten minutes of Cake!

    It's more like Reno 911 because it's improv, but less… wacky than Reno, maybe? Silly for sure. Definitely not anti-comedy or cringe comedy.

    They moved Valentine's Day up a few weeks next year?

    and they don't believe in birth control, so…

    Ooh, another season of another disturbing show my wife will be watching while I sleep and then it will show up in my dreams!

    That sounds like science! Get him, and then call him a cuck!

    Also, they seem to still have "first month free" stuff happening! I'm pretty sure I forgot to cancel after my time was up, but that's OK because I still had a few episodes of this (and several Bajillion Dollar Properties) to finish (and a few other things I'd been meaning to sample).

    How am I having seasonal allergies? It's negative eighteen!

    Also don't forget all the shame for our bodies.

    We…uh… got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    "I always knew It would come for me during the holidays. Bring it on, motherfucker! I fucking DARE you! Ho ho motherfucking ho!"

    Parents are naming their kids weird stuff these days!

    Sideshow Luke Agent P???

    Mostly retired from acting / married to Jim Henson's kid!

    AARP Weekly coverboy Luke Perry?

    I don't think "electronic" means "anything with batteries" (nor do all dildoes even have batteries), but if you've got some sort of SmartDildo, you best power that shit DOWN.

    * could not be located, as all Sex Party attendees must power down all electronic devices.

    Real ALW and real Ice-T have arrived at the bunker. Awaiting further instructions from Werner Herzog.

    What, no new terrible crap from PEOTUS that needs a fresh media distraction?