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    I still pay $15 to $20 for LPs. Just not as often as I used to because I have kids and other priorities.

    Just pressed the "upgrade" button and hey-o, 3 months for 99 cents!

    I'm going to subscribe before our Pandora expires in mid-Jan, because my wife listens several hours a day & I really dislike Pandora's stations and would prefer to pay money to an app that lets me choose what songs/albums I hear.

    Yes, the "ad" version of Spotify has gotten way more into ads AND crashing for me lately on two different laptops.

    I mean, something something supporting artists but yeah, whatever, fuck them I got mine!

    Yeah, for me, streaming is a way to preview albums I plan on buying (and for revisiting old albums that I might want to get back in the rotation).

    My Pandora subscription expires in mid-January, and Spotify already lets me listen to full albums, so unless Pandora allows full album streaming by mid-January, I'll already be switching to their competitor.

    I thought some types of advertising were like stocks: sold as a portfolio where the owner doesn't necessarily track every single item.

    He said it for HU-MOR. For COM-E-DY.

    "We had K. Paul Boyev up on guitar. We had Mike Rago on bass…"

    Tommy left a while ago. Duff is back.

    It snowed a bunch here. My kids played in the snow for a long time. They still weren't "tired" enough to go to bed until way after I'd hoped that even I would be asleep.

    I was thoroughly impressed. I may have enjoyed it more than my kids.

    $4 million could take a lot of asses to Red Lobster

    Sylvester Stallone's first film, The Party at Kitty and Stud's

    I probably saw them each on video rental, so maybe on Fridays, possibly Saturdays

    So… you're not feelin' it?

    His face is the McRib!

    Nah, he doesn't need to worry about that until his landslide loss in 2020.

    JLD is gonna live to be 107 and look magnificent right up until the very end.