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    We fostered it in my son's room until it was adopted. Its name is Princess Leia!

    Crumpet Pull-a-Hard? I *love* that movie!

    Forrest Gump was supposed to be a marvel of green screening Tom Hanks into history. And once that was done they were like "hey can there be a shitty plot, too?"

    he sang his didn't he danced his did

    Ooh, and with tiny hands the "that much" is even less than usual!

    Then you don't know much about Elton John!

    I always wondered how rich people whom monocles?

    It's like when they cranked up Motley Crue to try to drive Noriega crazy.

    "He claims we didn't start the fire. That's a lie!"

    I appreciate that you edited this so that the math checks out.

    It's a bottomless basket. Like Olive Garden breadsticks. They keep bringing more and you're sick to your stomach.

    Most rich and famous people do like to keep it taut, yes.

    If he sells four more tickets, he can buy a house on Baltic Avenue!

    I worry this will turn into an argument over whether you get to keep all the money you find in the middle!

    He's on break

    "Get me his non-Union equivalent, Community Chest the Rapper!"

    I didn't Miss Sloan on their North American tour this year! In fact, I saw them twice!

    Paul Ryan
    Gen Flynn
    Kris Kobach

    The paperback cover will be a bunch of Nazis having fun in the background while Pence in the foreground puts his hands in his pockets, pouts, and kicks The Bill of Rights a can across the street.

    Doing a head count? An estimate would have sufficed.