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    Just one slight correction: Axe Murderer came out in 1993, right between Wayne's World and Wayne's World 2. He didn't leave SNL until 1995.

    Let's all take a minute to say a little prayer of thanks to Bronson Pinchot and the zero fucks he gives.

    You Decantered Me All Night Long

    I do want to make time to talk to a professional at some point, but based on conversations I've had with people with diagnosed anxiety (or depression!) I think my stuff is relatively situational and temporary.

    Student council runoff.

    I went on a short trip but didn't enjoy most of it. Thanks, anxiety!

    Pretty sure David Miscavige is gonna send his lawyers or reprogrammers after you for that line about Tom Cruise and "take all comers."

    It really did Disarm me.

    I'm glad to see we've put this theoretical ethnicity of a fictional character to rest. Check ya later!

    The Swinton family is an ancient Anglo-Scots family that can trace its lineage to the Middle Ages.[7] The family is one of only three families (along with the Ardens and the Berkeleys) that can trace their unbroken land ownership and lineage to before the Norman Conquest.[8]

    Look Who's Ancient One To Now

    I'll wait for the sequel, The Ancient One Two.

    It's almost like actual Asians also aren't represented in journalism.

    Honestly, I think he's going to have a lot more time to distribute pearls of wisdom once he's longer in charge of running the country.

    What can I say? She likes to deliver toner.

    That 13 Going on 30 thread was pretty rough

    All we are saying is give Nobel a chance!

    And Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot / Fighting in the captain's tower
    You should go read their shit / Maybe give them an award, you philistines

    He's won such a big stack awards. Now he's worried about Bringing It All Back Home due to the lack of shelf space.

    I guess he just doesn't Desire the award.