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    Always trust a man with two letters.

    "She and I haven't spoken, and I disagree."

    Wow, your local Staples sells bananas? How millenial!

    My sister & her fiance went to a recent rally for the people-watching. Sounds like they got depressed by it all pretty quickly.

    What exactly are you asking women to be ashamed of?

    No, YOU'RE the puppet

    Ass or not, some of them are just *waiting* for an excuse to bust some punks.

    I don't think the Secret Service would love for anyone wanting to shoot Donald Trump reasonably discussing angles.

    Yeah, this isn't some X-treme kid trying to hack himself some new Photoshop activation codes.

    3 spritzer bottles of whiteboard cleaner, 2 ink refills and one single-serve pack of Craisins.

    Turns out that was a load-bearing Instagram account.

    Have you tried shaking the Easy Button?

    I crave more logic in my Body Swapping Magic movies.

    hey dude that dracula puppet musical was hella chill

    wow. It's all connected, man

    I'd say the movie does a pretty good job of peeling back the layers on making the main characters sympathetic / less sympathetic. Except maybe Mila Kunis. She's pretty chill until she has a reason to be pissed, and then she gets chill again.

    Also I think only one of them has a gigantic foot piano.

    Well, one "wakes up" 17 years in the future and is surrounded by all the people she knew then, who expect her to be an adult because she's grown up with them.

    I mean, I remember parts of it

    That was from the sequel, 23 Going On 28: Scrappy Billy's Car Insurance Premiums Go Down