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    apparently he wants for Clinton to be shot when he loses

    HILLARY 2016

    The QuickBooksening

    I just started Billy on the Street. Thought it'd be mildly amusing thing to fall asleep to. Wound up staying up late cracking up at several episodes in a row.

    The last season is basically perfect. Then again, I found seasons 5 and 6 to be pretty good, if a bit wheels-spinny.

    I'd rather click on an embedded image than a link that opens up a new window or a different app.

    "I myself won't be voting of course. ♫ Because of those FEL-O-NIES ♫"

    Van S. O'Helsing

    "Well, Hillary said she respects Trump's kids, so that means I'm going for McMullin."

    Up next for Kenny: nude photo shoot by Annie Liebowitz.

    Yes We Ken

    Stop trying to take my attention from BENGHAAAAAAAAAAAZI

    Shit My Comment History Says

    "The warped sense of nostalgia that transforms recognition into a desire to see more of some once-famous person?" Ron Paul offers helpfully.

    Nope! I just think the sequel will involve loneliness and drum solos.

    "Constant yappin like a Chiwawa [sic] is not acting"

    Ride Along 3: Ride Along Time, Ride Along Time, Ride Along Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Time (Drum Solo)

    Frito-Lay on the Pirate Bay!

    The only remaining mystery is which will be the even-numbered chapters versus odd.

    "September 23, 1973