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    "If a movie hasn't been willed into existence by a committee of executives and financial analyses, count me OUT."

    Fax Nutella!

    I'm in Madison. I like it.

    Have you BEEN to Janesville?

    Spotify Binging Sub-Thread!

    Right, and a generation ago, a $30M opening weekend was unheard of. Times change. We're in a "53%-47% with a 4-point margin" world right now.

    If he loses by more than 10, it's a modern-day landslide. Kind of like of how a "blockbuster" movie that makes $120 million is a "flop" now.

    It's more of an "Amuse Bush"

    How about a hug goodbye for Bushy? He just got off the payroll.

    It can be two famous people who like butt stuff.

    Well, his "scandals" are just how badly he tries to fuck women / LGBTQ / minorities with the laws he passes. He's more dangerous than scandalous.

    Anti-vax is one of those "conspiracy theorist" issues that wraps around from the paranoid right to the paranoid left.

    I'm watching Trump hard-liners say they'll never vote for someone who doesn't support Trump, and I'm watching lefty hard-liners say they'll never vote fro Clinton. So I don't know if that means they stay home, write in, etc. I suppose enough of them could be making empty threats, and it's also possible that there

    And that's why you're a special snowflake!

    Their options are "incur the wrath of Trump's true believers (of which there are still many" or "alienate literally everyone else." Either way, they risk losing their seat.

    Plenty of stories of him hitting on women in super gross ways, though the only story I remember vividly was not physical. Although asking a women he'd just met to put her fingers up his butt would be considered… inappropriate to most people.

    Mark Foley?

    "Um… I'm gonna have to ask who's marrying whom before I can answer that."

    "Hey! That's MY make and model he's downgrading!"

    Yeah, I suspected that after seeing who "Real Kenny Bone" follows.