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    Also when he tweeted "Any accounts using my picture and making references to the bone zone are not run by me."

    Better than getting punched in the pussy and called a face…

    Seems like Hillary can just lay low and let the GOP's implosion whisker away to the White House.

    We aren't doing phrasing anymore?

    Isn't Hoda still hosting the 17th hour of the Today Show? How's she gonna tour?

    OUFDM just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    Jartha Jarcy Jay Joplene

    I saw Death Cab right when We Have the Facts was first getting some web-zine notices, and they opened for a friend's band in Milwaukee. Maybe 50 people were there? They were fine, but it's one of those weird things where I was like "I can see why a certain subset of indie rock fokls dig this" but in no way did I think

    The question is whether a Democrat in that state / district can benefit next month from the fracture.

    "They're bringing 'Rape Me.' They're bringing 'I want a New Drug.' And some of them, I assume, are good songs."

    The true Trumpers are full-on attacking any GOP candidates who have withdrawn support for him. It'll be interesting to see if the GOP wedge genuinely splits where people only vote for Trump & those who are still backing him or vice versa.

    "Now I Want to Move Out of America" was an unreleased Postal Service track.

    "This is the Real October Surprise" was a B-side from Transatlanticism.

    It's "I'm announcing my running mate a week before I have to drop out" on steroids!

    I was just thinking "gosh, Cruz and Christie and Jeb and Rubio are still sort of in the news cycle… I can't even think of the names of most of the 17 Rs who were in this thing at the beginning!"

    Mostly hanging out with my kids. At one point they started marching through the rec room gleefully chanting "Trump is a loser! Trump is a loser!" Mrs. Wo and I are raising good kids.

    Wickety Wickety Wack

    john wIIIck


    Extra confused since Skinner works on Corden's show.