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    Maybe the photo is blurring a arm mid-strum? Maybe a photo editor tried to clean it up but made the ink look smudged?

    Yeah. 2008 was really a peak year for the Red Hot Chili Peppermen.

    Vomiting into a toilet that you didn't just also shit in is the best vomiting.

    He made a Joyce to eventually take the stage.

    The More You Ignore Me, The More I'm Still Here

    I do it by listening to his records and laughing at any stories I hear about him as a person. EDIT also meat pun

    There are simply certain topics about which I've heard my fill of people Gab.

    For my money, Ater With Joos Hoand is best in small doses.

    Savage Love's in 2 days

    I'm glad Gaby Dunn has a podcast, and that it's got a specific and not-too-overdone premise. I'm kind of done listening to comedy people talk about movies or music.

    BLACK vans come to collect you like this:
    [Clockwork Orange style aversion therapy]

    It's a more common name than I'd realized!

    You're correct! And I've read both.

    It's one step in reducing the amount of time I waste on the internet.

    On the plus side, articles like this where certain people really dig their heels in? Helps me know when to use that handy Block button. Disqus finally did a thing that works!

    "Look, what's happened to her is sick and terrible, but let me explain why she sorta deserved it" - cool people on Disqus

    She was great, but there aren't a lot of comedy movie roles I've seen lately that approach Kate McKinnon in Ghostbusters.

    How much more fun would The Dark Knight have been if he'd had the mustache in that?

    OUEEN is French for YASS QUEEN

    This is why all "based on a true story" movies NEED sequels.