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    Sounds pretty flippant and rhetorical to me!

    Not only did they NOT bring her down, they kinda gave her the Streisand Effect. She has so many more fans now than a year ago when she was only known by people who watch SNL every week.

    Certainly it had sitcomitis where they had more seasons than they knew what to do with, and had to backtrack on situations they'd resolved two seasons earlier. See also (or don't) the last few seasons of The Office.

    Yeah, for every over-the-top sitcom moment, there were several well-written/relatable/realistically teenage mind moments.

    Also "Laura Prepon constantly breaking to laugh at her co-stars but it works because the character seems like she'd be constantly laughing at these characters in spite of herself" is the best Laura Prepon.

    I recently made a list of TV shows I mean to catch up on (but am several seasons behind on) and I'd totally forgotten that I'd barely started Season 1 of this show and kept meaning to binge it and now it's gone after what, 5-6 seasons? Dang, it'll be years before I can get through it.

    Huh! I don't remember such a song existing on Tango in the Night. Was it a cassette-only bonus track?

    The movie's only two months old. There's a pretty straight through-line between the movie and the Alt Right Gamer Gaters ganging up on her.

    Edward R. Murrow's been spinning in his grave so long, he's drilled through the earth's crust.

    You don't read enough Colicchio / Bourdain slash fiction.

    , begged the FOX ad execs in 2002.

    That old picture of Isaac Brock is stark reminder of how one's body metabolizes beer as one ages.

    The firmware upgrades stopped in 2007.

    How many tabs of ecstasy fit in the Bez dispenser?

    That's why I'm bringing my kids to Laika films before they're ready.

    I'll stand by you at that concert.

    Seriously, is this dude trying to be the Rick Rubin of Everyone Who Hasn't Had a Comeback Attempt Produced by Rick Rubin Yet?

    Did bad writers finally break the MLA? Are they doing the thing like Merriam-Webster where they add shitty slang to the dictionary every year?


    [whispers] I don't think you're supposed to use an apostrophe to pluralize anything in the English language