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    2006 is to date the most recent year that I had no sex, so yeah I probably did a lot of pop culture around then.

    All I want to know is: who the fuck was starz? lol

    And then every other Sunday is a day of rest?

    "Never read it! Please turn to page three."

    They stopped in the mid-90s, then started back up again some time later.

    Dang, and you were THIS close to 50,000 upvotes

    And yet, no!

    Compared to all those other Meat Loaf gems?

    Warning: the GQ article auto-plays the fucking song. BROWSER BEWARE

    I think you'll find that is a thing which is distressingly ageless!

    And on the first day of school! We're so proud of our Xanderpuss. You're really growing up!

    She's an activist in Montana now. "Gritty reboot" means you walked through a field that was destroyed by an oil spill and need to run back home to change your footwear before dinner.

    Can you imagine a phone having a cord that attaches to the wall?

    "leaves so much to be desired"

    She's one of those people who's been really good in 3 or 4 things but is also known for saying inappropriate things, so if you haven't seen Ghost or The Color Purple it's not like your impression of her is necessarily that she's a really good actress.

    Will they? Won't they?

    I mean, it IS important. Mechs don't really "get" sarcasm.

    Well if they would stop LOOKING AT JEWELRY that someone's trying to show off, none of this would have ever happened!

    You're just trying to see down her dress.

    That just leaves talk radio hosts!