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    Your turtle drawing has to be EXACT!

    Congratulations, indeed, for finding bold new ways to see a woman in a header image and declare that you would totally hit that.

    At what point does the amount of typing extra comments to explain what you really meant outpace saying what you meant in the first place?

    All research is a conspiracy!

    Can we get a Peanuts adult in on that discussion?

    "HE'S mourning the sudden and recent death of his wife!"

    David Byrne, but sure, I guess everything's a Simpsons reference if you wish hard enough

    Heaven is a place
    A place where nothing
    Not even noncorporeal sexytimes among past lovers
    Ever happens

    Gilda's probably married to Madeline Kahn now anyway.

    "Too much work! I say I really lean into the douchiness."

    But shortly after that, I picked up some Delfonics albums. Guess what? Solid gold all the way through.

    Repeated views of that film are what made it work for me.

    No way Dax Shepherd can grow a grizzly beard like that.

    So Marcia Clark ISN'T the redhead from Desperate Housewives?

    "Didn't I (Blow Your Mind?)" is a great Delfonics song. It only took 15 years for me to stop thinking of it as a New Kids on the Block song.

    So… "throw shit at the wall"?

    The new edition has some added footnotes.

    Prison gardens need compost, too.

    Does Wes Anderson have anything new coming down the pipeline?

    My weekend was fine overall, but not without a lot of stress over how many hours my wife has to work and how few hours our children sleep! Also I'm really regretting having a battery-powered lawnmower for such a large lawn!