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    "That's cute."

    Why did they build a stage on Summer's back? No wonder it collapsed! That poor girl…

    I'll admit to questioning his health on days when his poll numbers were decent, but only because I was very worried we'd wind up with Prez Palin.

    Or eggs with 0 to 10 followers acting like assholes

    You'll be amazed by how many of them are white dudes with wives and kids and sales or sys admin jobs which allow them to lead a secret, shitty double life.

    No, The Cat in the Hat was his punishment for walking away from the Sprockets movie. For real. He had to appear in that movie because he lost a lawsuit.

    Julia Louis-Dreyfus by a large margin, I'm guessing.

    Oh, how the mighty have Francoed.

    Hey, it could lead to more clicks on their music coverage!

    Yes, like all Midwestern Gen X kids, I did in fact have a couple of weird cousins who'd set fire to their G.I. Joe figures.

    Just kidding y'all even when I ate meat I thought this stuff was stinky rubber


    You're right, she did have a couple of appearances. Only in her first appearance was she anywhere near the plot of the episode. I guess the campaign needed a field rep in Mandyville.

    Kind of blue his chance to hang out with Ray Charles, then!

    Lots of animals do. I don't know why, but it certainly isn't to show off to the other animals what a colossal dick they are.

    Fun facts:
    1. Unless you say their name, they don't know you've blocked them, so it's not like they know a thing even happened
    2. Fuck it, they were a dick to you

    Look, I'm all for Connie Britton fandom, but she had like 3 lines and was quickly written out once they decided to let Evan Handler be "the asshole" AND "the one who points out that the asshole has a point."

    On the other hand, is it really so bad to deprive yourself of the bon mots of someone who was a dick to you?

    "What? Racist? Just because I upvote every racist joke that's posted and frequently post my own?"

    The "Block user" function works pretty well, though!