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    "Look, it's YOUR two minutes to sell your candidate. My producer's going to have me cut away to panda babies whether you've made your point or not."

    The concern is that there are 13 million of them, they're pissed, and they think they're right. The question is whether they'll allow us to ignore them.

    Upvoted because if the law programs are anything like my MBA program was, holy shit.

    The first few times I saw it linked, the video didn't work, and as usual I went "whatever, I get the context."

    Next week on Archerrested Development

    Yeah, I wouldn't expect her to have polling numbers memorized. Chris Matthews maybe, since he's a "horse race" wonk. It's clear from the look on her face that she was not expecting "Trump is down in the polls" to be a point of argument.

    And those are his BASE!

    In terms of places to get a quick fix of laughs on the internet, Twitter's pretty good, but good Lord do you have to wade through a ton of shitheads.

    The satellite delay helped make it better TV, but "says who?" was never a great argument.

    I said something about rights! Specifically about how their rights to remove a member have nothing to do with "innocent until proven guilty."

    Drumpf has the worst fuckin' attorneys.

    When I asked you where someone was advocating for all accusations leading to a presumption of guilt, you put some stuff in quotes. I am literally not sure against whose post you are arguing. Or CaptainAmerica-Man and Sexpressed Scott for that matter.

    AND none of the UCB's actions were public until someone screen-capped a private conversation after everything was said and done.

    I was referring to people being blocked, which I can see from that blockee's point of view seems like an overreaction.

    Wouldn't be Kurt Metzger if he didn't bury his point in a whole bunch of mean-spirited bullshit.

    Entitlement, or just bemusement that someone they thought was on their side is not so much?

    Can I "Control-F" what you just put into quotes there?

    The "username" / "all of the comments in this article" synergy here is just… off the charts.

    He's got that sweet, sweet Planes voiceover money now. Doesn't need to be in the trenches anymore. (Also I think he receded from view a little after his manager/brother stole most of his money)

    I'm not sure where you're seeing anyone advocate for all accusations leading to a presumption of guilt.