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    "Even if Metzger is totally innocent"

    Articles have been written about how weird it seems. Long before this most recent incident.

    I anecdotally know more than one person who were assaulted and were afraid to report it.

    Also, Jerry Sandusky was a thing for like 40 years.

    I was just reading about how porn star James Deen has a bunch of new deals in place because his "ousted from the porn community due to rape allegations" story is "compelling."

    "Hi! I'm Kurt Metzger. You may know me from bit parts on various comedy shows, but you almost certainly know me from harassing women on social media."

    How about we men speak out against rape and not protect or excuse those who do it?

    Also, when several members of your organization claim another member has assaulted them, you're within your rights to remove that member from your organization.

    I only know him as a guy who likes to harass women on Twitter.

    The Ghost of Easy "So That Means" Replies

    Keisha Pulliam-R something?

    Pretty sure they had an episode where they busted what they thought were drug dealers but they were actually a blues band. When the Commish told them to provie it, they started jamming. I think the Commish joined them on harmonica.


    What am I, Grindr?

    On snap! We're finally getting a Four Realms Cinematic Universe and the origin story of the Sugar Plum Fairy? Two front row tickets, please!

    Suicide Cringe's song didn't make the final cut, but they're getting a song licensed to play over an opening scene in an upcoming episode of Scream Queens.

    People in 10th grade who haven't heard very much music and accounts receivable clerks who only listen to morning zoo radio.

    Hits are hits and revenue is revenue! All hail new media!

    "Can we put brown plastic in the mold instead of blue this time? If so, I may have just created half a dozen new characters!"

    So your answer to the first tweet is "no."