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    Mostly great!

    So does Meryl Streep play an unsuccessful singer every August now?

    Oh my god, do you pray, pray every single day for its inclusion?

    You sure there wasn't a "-ski" or "-stein" at the end of that of there name, Mr. "Minitarmz"?

    Uh, guys.

    Nah. His mustache is way too wispy.


    Because of a problem?

    OK. What are Noah's ratings compared to Stewart's for those same times?

    I hope he gets his own show.

    Yeah, I'd be curious to know how both shows' ratings (and ratings relative to each other) compare to the Stewart/Colbert block.

    I think you can stream it on the Comedy Central app (but I think you need to subscribe for it? I haven't bought any channel-specific subscriptions.)

    Hmm, that's really weird that the AV Club is paying people to sell out Esposito's standup shows nationwide in an attempt to make her happen!

    Dissertations? Is that a new Instagram filter?

    Part of the fun of deleted comments is gleaning context from the replies!

    Bajillion Dollar Properties is good.
    They are launching several comedy specials.
    I think other original series are coming soon.

    I don't think she was on the staff, though. Same as when they used to have Patton Oswalt contribute some stuff.

    Field of Requiems? I *love* that place!
