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    Because of a problem?

    Ooh, I *love* his Christmas album!

    The used condoms and dead rats served a different purpose in that movie: they were Jaden Smith's bed.

    [spits out coffee] Andy GARCIA? What theā€¦?

    Hey, I'll talk about Ghostbusters (2016) if you'd like to change the subject!

    And was the band's primary songwriter, correct?

    Yeah, it was almost like he'd see his next line on the cue card, and if it was a punchline, he'd preemptively start laughing at the punchline and then not deliver it well.

    "not break character"?

    Odd thing to feel compelled to create an account just to say, but OK!


    Sold! Literally. This is pushing me over the edge to go buy Seeso.

    Yes, we're all curious how exactly mermaids fuck.

    Ooh! Build-a-Title!

    Finally, Richard Grieco's chance to prove he isn't dead.

    Drop Dead Fred / G.I. Joe is still on Universal's 2018 schedule.

    I don't have a quick enough trigger finger to maintain a good gimmick account. I gave up on that business after I missed an article that was practically tailor-made for my gimmick account.

    I thought movies no longer needed to be profitable in North America if they made hundreds of millions overseas.

    "World War Z grossed $202.4 million in North America, and $337.6 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $540 million" - Box Office Mojo via Wikipedia

    World War AA if you're an Excel user.

    I like how she keeps trying to dance along after the guest rapper has had his epiphany.