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    I was just trying to make a joke about how all malls are abandoned but somehow there's still an Arby's every few miles throughout America.

    So Tuskrat and Jersey GirlRat?

    Lets all vote it down now without even seeing it!

    Honestly the abandoned mall behind Arby's is probably a great place to catch Pokemon.

    Some of the mallrats are women? Not in MY mall!

    The London Quireboys? I loved that band!

    I've been looking for a place to quote Dale entering the Admirals' Club, so I'll deposit it here.

    This thing has got to break some record for worst dropoff from 4th to 5th movie in a franchise.

    I'm on my 55th consecutive Fleetwood Mac week!

    pre-B/M, Peter Green era

    Out on the road today / I saw a Trump sticker on the Ecto 1
    A little voice inside my head said / It's true / This man has no dick

    MLAs will likely complain about your use of an apostrophe to denote pluralization.

    Do Rush or Hannity need something new?

    I hope it's like Anchorman where there's so much extra material that they edit it into a separate movie.

    They can't tout that they have 100 million users (of however many it is, not gonna look it up) if they have to admit that 10 million are harrassers and another 40 million are those people's sock puppet accounts.

    Well for one thing Chris Hemsworth plays a very different roleā€¦

    A lot of times only 1 or 2 people do, as if to say "hey occasional lurkers, we know if you Sort by Oldest this guy's always on top, but it'll be a different story if you Sort by Best."

    Eh. @yameteoniichan:disqus kind of already *is* the Mayor of Wrongville.

    So glad they didn't make an R-rated movie just for a bunch of swear words. What would have been the appeal of that?

    Fainting puppets?