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    Ghostbusters 2: Holtz Me Closer
    Rated "PG-13" by the Motion Picture Association of America and "!" by the Kinsey Institute.

    Well, now I want Ghostbusters Reboot 2 to co-star these stunt doubles, perhaps as ghost clones or whatever scifi crap, because then we have two Holtzmanns. (Holtzmenn?) Just hangin' out, eating Pringles.

    Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what it is I did so wrong
    Don't it always seem to go that now I know what I got
    Don't it always seem to go that it's just this song
    And don't it always seem to go that it ain't easy to get back takes so long

    I was thinking of Mark Ronson, and was very concerned about the idea that in 5 years I'll still be hearing "Uptown Funk" every day.

    Yeah, I'll feel how you feel if Scott Walker ever makes a reasonable point about anything.

    It's a pretty shrewd move to burn this bridge, expecting that by 2020 the GOP will be looking for anyone not associated with this garbage fire to help them stay afloat.

    I vaguely recall a few times during the final throws of the GOP primaries where I took turns between Trump & Cruz thinking "ugh, I sort of agree with you, but only because I agree with the other guy so much less on this."

    He was booed, but he completed his speech. MSNBC had the speech beforehand and said he gave the speech he'd prepared, only ad-libbing a little bit at the end when portions of the crowd started to chant.

    You sure you didn't mean to post this in one of the RNC threads?

    I like that he's thinking through the questions AND that the interviewer engages in follow-up questions. Sometimes it bums me out when there are no follow-ups, though I suspect sometimes they know they've got a very short amount of time to burn through 11 questions.

    It's not real, it's genius.

    "Showing off her awesome home recipe at Baconfest" is… one hell of a euphemism.

    Ice Age did a TV Christmas special. I think they posited that Santa Claus was an eternal being who in that era gave toys to wooly mammoth children or some such malarkey. But hey, Christmas special = annual ad revenue!

    Foreign money, sure, but the lowest-grossing of the series domestically is Ice Age: Continental Drift at $161 million.

    I haven't read The Bell Jar OR The Catcher in the Rye, though I'm pretty sure I've unpacked both and put them on bookshelves in my house at some point.

    Has Kate Hudson Malkoviched Dakota Fanning?

    I at least hope you're an "equal opportunity offender" and also snark at the Chili's bus boys.

    Horsefellow lives!

    It's been nearly two hours!

    You may be overstating how much a character actor gets paid for 2 days' work on a direct-to-video flick.