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    Yes, yes, we've all already discussed Kate McKinnon.

    The cameo that dated itself so quickly, [celebrity] isn't even with [spouse that celebrity yells to] anymore!

    Meanwhile, my Hudsucky Proxy fan club's membership keeps declining!

    "And she's even [whispers loudly] BLACK! What's it gonna take with you people?!"

    @sgtexposition:disqus , my apologies! I was accused last week of being YOUR sock puppet account. I have in the past joked about @avclub-7638ca8ac63c145195788f998393b1fa:disqus's and my identities being mistaken.

    Or possibly Fifth Actress! Isn't that enough for you broads?

    Ohohoho! That's why they call you the "Master of Evil"!

    This is the second time in a week that you've claimed I'm a shadow puppet account, Hoat.

    Some of us prefer to keep our Disqus identities separate from our MeatWorld identities.

    There IS no controversy! It never happened! Just another SJW concoction! I don't even CARE, gosh!

    Opening weekend really didn't start meaning anything until the 90s, when every movie opened in as many theaters as possible. In 1984 nearly all movies started in maybe 500 theaters and then those prints gradually worked their way around to other cities, which is why whenever I'd see a movie in Antigo, Wisconsin, it


    Yeah, but the producers were looking to get a new Ghostbusters going. They didn't say "We've got $200M to spend on original ideas."

    5 and 7. The opening scene was the most frightening part for them, but it was more of a "clutch the nearest parent's arm" scared. The next ghost interaction startled me / made them laugh.

    O'NEAL: "Thank Christ I'm done with Starwipe"
    TETI: "O'Neal! Your next assignment is the new Dinesh D'Souza flick"
    O'NEAL: [impales himself on an Us Weekly]

    Kate McKinnon as Marti McFly. Keep Lea Thompson.

    This'll end well!

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    - Beat Super Mario Bros. 2 straight through without Warp Zones, just for funsies
    - Saw Ghostbusters
    - Nearly got heat stroke from all the yardwork