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    Went with the wife & kids to Ghostbusters. We all enjoyed it. The kids had a lot of follow-up questions about which dead people come back as ghosts.

    Yeah, I like 'em.

    Jealous! I didn't break my leg when I fell off a 10 foot slide. I landed on my face, got a bright purple shiner that swelled my eye shut for weeks, and then my mom got evil looks everywhere we went.

    I always divert my kids to the playgrounds with the partial ceilings, or barring that, huge trees to the south.

    Make America wear capris and "the Rachel" again!

    Hollywood's gonna be DeBarging in on McKinnon's agent all day!

    Huh, maybe my browser had a search filter set to "PC culture run amok" that I didn't notice.

    Satan, you might want to go read the "user reviews" on Fandango and see if you still hold that belief.

    I don't know, that show could be pretty Good.


    That's what I think on both accounts. Also that scene was the end result of the "these guys don't take us seriously" / "fine but who cares what they think" subplot.

    “I love Zuul, so there was a while I was pushing hard for it,” she says.

    What would even be the point of that?

    Remember how in Ghostbusters they did none of that, but just did sort of a shrug-tease after the credits had completely rolled?

    I did like that the two FBI agents are introduced, you think they're going to be a big obstacle to the Ghostbusters, and then they literally do nothing and then the Ghostbusters get to walk past them and point out that they literally did nothing.

    McKinnon was my MVP - even just her physical comedy in the background while other characters advanced the plot was killer.

    Murray's second scene was decent plot, and I'm fine with them using Murray for plot rather than funny.

    Ghostbusters 2: 145 Minutes of McKinnon and Weaver Turning Their Heads And Those Wild Curls Go Flying (And Also Sure We Guess Some Busting of Ghosts)

    Well, they did kind of shrug and go back to what they were doing.

    Ghostbusters 2: 145 Minutes of Holtzmann Doing Cool Shit