You shut your god damn mouth.
You shut your god damn mouth.
Season 2 was poop. Horrible writing. The acting wasn’t good. People are so wrapped up in trying to figure out the mystery that they just completely gloss over the fact that it just wasn’t very good.
Problem is (at least for me), when we’re told the narrators are unreliable and the timelines are purposefully jumbled as to obfuscate “what really happened,” I’m left wondering why I should care about anything in the show at all?
If the rug will always be pulled out from under me, why should I get invested in the first…
I checked out on Westworld once it got Lost vibes at some point in season 1 with the maze crap. Never again.
Thank you for this, as I now know I should just give up on Westworld. The first season intrigued but also irritated, as the big Man in the Black Hat reveal really did not need to be any sort of “reveal” at all. It was confusion for confusion’s sake, there was nothing the story gained by holding back that the McPoyle…
The showrunners created these twisty timelines and endless surprise reveals for the amusement of us humans, but in season 3 the timelines and reveals themselves with attain sentience and proceed to strangle us all.
1. Create vague yet simple mystery with abstract terms like forge, great beyond, sublime
I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.
When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?
Because.... Believe it or not, the Netherlands recognizes only Dutch as its official language! Such a thing does not exist in the US, so why would be English the reference ?
You mean, the thread which had nothing to do with you where you were writing out insulting replies? Man.
Holy fucking shit that update. I audibly gasped. Christmas is coming early!
SING MIKEY SING!!!! I will personally drive a bus to DC for you to throw people under! Name all the names! DOOO ITTT.
≥≥Megyn Kelly joked that she could have just given the motorcade a thumbs-down and avoided this whole mess.≤≤
“The thing is, Larry David knew he was not doing quite well at the midpoint of his monologue.”
Life is the crummiest book I ever read
There isn’t a hook, just a lot of cheap shots
Pictures to shock and characters an
Amateur would never dream up
Did someone say Richard Spencer?