My thought exactly. “Gee, two super famewhores are promoting it! It’s basically an imprimatur from the BBB! Nothing says trustworthy like lip injections!” said no one with even a single brain cell to spare.
My thought exactly. “Gee, two super famewhores are promoting it! It’s basically an imprimatur from the BBB! Nothing says trustworthy like lip injections!” said no one with even a single brain cell to spare.
Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?
Years ago, my Fox News-watching dad came over for a visit and gave my son Bill O’Reilly’s book for teenagers. My son said “Thanks Grandpa” and after my folks went home, my kid tossed the book in the garbage. He was 14.
“I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”
What kind of ridiculous equivocation fallacy is that? “Asshole” and “MLK Junior” aren’t the two only options, dumbass.
But even when I lived in a suburb and drove everywhere, I still cleaned my entire body when I got in the bath.
You keep saying “clean” like there’s an objective, communally agreed upon standard that many of us willfully refuse to meet. I don’t know what your version of clean looks like. I know mine, and I meet it.
Someone sounds a little OCD. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but seriously, why do you care about someone else’s(ON THE INTERNET!) hygiene habits?)
I want that Candy Apples lady back solely for her daughter. I’d watch a show that was just her deadpanning responses to her overly-chirpy mother.
This admin never wanted to “govern.” They just wanted to spout hot air and now that they have the keys, they are flipping their shit because they want to continue to spout hot air and now they are going to be held accountable for the hot air.
He can hold me accountable all he wants. I have over 200 years of history behind me. Come at me, you fucking tangerine.
“If you go home with someone and they don’t own any books, don’t fuck them”
Never Forget.
“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert
He’s become one of my favorite late night people over the past year.
Because demanding knowledge or at least the access to it is dumb.
Objectivity putting out harmful and repugnant views is not objective.
We have a documentaries/reality shows on drug lords, neo-Nazis, serial killers and every other brand of human horror. Just check out the National Geographic and Discovery channels. It’s not like television is full of non-fictional shows about saints. Why can we have shows about the behind the scenes goings on of drug…
If you’ve never seen the doc ‘Hell House,’ do it now. Your Serena gif will increase its rage by 10x at least.