So let me get this straight...
So let me get this straight...
Now more than ever it's Le Tigre for me:
My problems as a straight white man, ranked: 1. Ummmm.....
Little do they suspect that once puberty hits, those boys will all gain superpowers. Puberty gives boys the ability to juggle semi-trucks with their testicles, and fire lasers from their mouths, thus improving their basketball ability beyond the reach of girls, who upon puberty only gain boobs.
I respectfully disagree.
Was it The Psychopath Test? Because that book is awesome.
I like her so much that now I like Miley a little tiny bit by association.
One of the comments on that article is batshit crazy:
Ugh, this child. I taught in an all girls high school for two years and they LOVED this moron when I got there. I would make a joke when they'd show me a vine because teenagers hate to be told their taste is terrible, so I thought I'd lead by example. I'm so happy to say when I left that school there wasn't one girl…
To the people who argued nonsense at me the last time I said this, I'm going to say this again: I think Anonymous are heroes.
A show from Seth MacFarlane is stupid, racist, sexist and unfunny????? You don't say. I don't think I needed any critics or news items to tell me that.
You know, the rash of gun violence that has been going on has GOT to get some people on board with expanded background checks, and maybe a "licence to own" system. Adding a slight inconvenience to legal gun owners is way outweighed by the benefits of restricting transfers to people who are mentally ill or ineligible…