
Come on, if this came out over the radio, you wouldn’t want to go see?  More fun than eating donuts and drinking coffee.

I appreciate your calling out the Turbo Esprit, which is my personal favorite.

Does the Mustang II count as a sports car? If so that.

Are we all that surprised that the first Cybertruck owner on Nantucket used the pullout method?”

Now playing

Comes off real easy, only costs .7 MPG per the TFL guys

I’m going to need to see it not wrapped in barf before I can form an opinion.

I see Gladiator as well, and I think the Gladiator is ugly as hell. Doesnt speak much for this truck.

Looks like a truck to me.  Put that wrap on a Nissan Frontier and it would look the same to me.

It has some interesting detailing but it mostly just looks like a truck, which may well be the weird part now. Anyways, I get some Jeep Gladiator vibes from it.

SR5 Xtracab but it only comes with the non-hybrid drivetrain and 6ft bed. Overall it’s about a foot shorter than the 4-door with 5 ft bed.

Unless your purchase is primarily dictated by cost . . .” For many, if not most potential buyers, cost IS a big part of the equation, especially when looking at midsize pickups. If funds are virtually unlimited, those lucky buyers will, most likely, be looking at their full-size options.

Since most are driven to the Starbucks drive thru...

Some wildly varied definitions of “great” in this list... Even you admit in your writing that some of these are awful, so why even bother putting “great” in the title?

2022 Bentley Flying Spur

the Audi Quattro was the first rally car ever in WRC with a permanent four-wheel-drive.

The CRZ should have been called the ‘CRX’ and they should have offered two powertrain options... the ‘HF’ which would have been the hybrid it came with (but with better battery management so they wouldn’t die prematurely) and the SI that had some flavour of the K-series engine... which would mean at least 150hp with

For the same reason people wear North Face jackets and Under Armour athletic wear to the grocery store - it says, “I have an active lifestyle that I spend money on”.

It’s the difference between Blazer and Traverse, or Venza and Highlander. None of those really have ‘off-road’ vs ‘on-road’ differentiation.

Same reason many people buy big-ass trucks, knowing full well they’ll never use the capability, but want to feel good about that 0.001% just-in-case scenario.

How do you define “offroad”? Nobody is taking it to Moab, but plenty of people take these things up to the mountains via unmaintained two tracks.