
I can’t think of a better reply than this:

This car is far from unique.

If I’m in the left-most lane traveling 15 over the speed limit, and I’m passing cars to my right that are going 10 over the speed limit, but then someone else comes up behind me driving 20 over the speed limit, am I in the wrong for being in the left lane? Or is he wrong because breaking the law more than I am?

I disagree with your first point. Someone getting in front of me isn’t what bothers me. Someone jumping into the safe driving distance I have left is. You leave enough space in front of you to be safe and someone jumps in there. You no longer have a safe space in front of you so you back off and someone else jumps

um, you do understand that most 3d printers work by heating up plastic, right? because if you snap a control arm, you can’t just print a new one...

I’m sorry I can’t hear you over all of the LOVE

I like a sexy lady who’s comfortable farting in front of me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And Fiat hasn’t done away with the Abarth signature g̶r̶o̶w̶l perpetual farting noise either.

The first generation was a beautiful wedge that Bertone themselves would have been proud of. Clean, dramatic lines and proportions that call to mind the Lancia Stratos or the X1/9. One of the most striking production cars ever to go mainstream.

But the first was so 80's cool. Way ahead of its class. It did quickly out-date itself, but so did the 80's.

Biggest urban myth

Both the Oxford dictionary (“1.2The white juice of certain plants”) and MW dictionary (“a white liquid produced by a plant”) disagree.

Access. If you flat on a trail, a rock or outcropping or just the depth of the wheel ruts can make it very difficult to get the spare out from underneath.

No, you don’t stand up and quit. You collect the evidence showing what you’ve been ordered to do (get a digital copy and a hard copy) and you report it via your company’s whistle-blower hotline. When the company fires you and finds someone less ethical, you lawyer the fuck up and sue for an outrageous amount of money.

Don’t be a dick, dude

Few things are more tragic than an NSX with an auto box.

So Sweden should have considered the long term impact a Quarterfinal game in the Olympics would have on the game of soccer in determining their tactics against a superior opponent?

Strange comment considering the story literally states plane “hasn’t moved much” since the incident.

I’m assuming you’d be more than happy to sit on a plane that hits either.

Drones and birds aren’t made of the same things. Crazy, i know.