
Read the article.

China likes to think they own Taiwan, kinda like how they think they own the damn ocean.

Theoretically a three-clutch box could have next two higher gears selected to skip gears, for fuel economy perhaps?

You missed all my other points, particularly the part where the fine is supposed to be related to the damage caused by the crime. If you truly believe that there is a statutory scheme in Brazil where people who throw rocks at a gas station and lie to the police are regularly fined $10,000, then I will agree that it’s

No he’s not being fined. He’s being extorted. A fine is imposed pursuant to a legitimate statute, is reasonably related to the crime, and has a limit imposed by statute that is, again, related to the damage caused by the crime. You don’t impose a “fine” of $10,000 for the misdemeanor crime of causing a few hundred

They are security guards not police, so I’m not sure abuse of authority really applies. Still, taking money even if it is considered compensation under threat of violence (I would consider a drawn gun threatening) is basically the definition of robbery.
If you got into a fender bender (your fault) and the driver of

If the biker hit the red car, I’d agree with you. But he didn’t. He hit the bike that was there THE WHOLE TIME. The only blame that can be placed on the red car is that it prevented him from swerving onto the shoulder (if you have to swerve onto the shoulder to avoid stopped traffic you were going way too fast). The

Sweet mother of God, this is some good shit right here.

Take it a step farther.

You’re absolutely nuts. The car stopped after pulling out because traffic stopped and the car driver was paying attention. Given the huge span of time between when the car pulled out and the motorcycle coming into view, blaming the car is ridiculous. It wasn’t “at the last second”.

Dude... I hate to break it to you, but there was 4 seconds between when that car pulled out and when bike 2 hit bike 1. Bike 2 is literally the ONLY person at fault in this crash. He didn’t even touch his brakes.

Wait, what? Why are you blaming the car for any of this?

It’s not illegal Tom.

It didn't "just come out." It was publicly announced as part of the negotiations for the nuclear deal more than a year ago and happened in January as scheduled per that public announcement. It did, however, just get politicized and turned into a scandal by a desperate presidential campaign.

You mean the US is abiding by the negotiation we struck with Iran to stop them from creating a nuclear weapon by paying them back for military equipment we never delivered? Since when has paying our debts a crime? If you ask me it is a small price to pay to improve peace in the middle east.

Harbor Freight sells a super cheap one that works well enough for amateurs like myself.

That doesn’t make “extensive experience”

Survivability, no, but avoidability, perhaps.

It would help the situation if there weren’t tons of new yorkers writing articles about how we all need to move into cities and take public transportation. You honestly think its *everyone else* giving *new yorkers* too much grief?

If you have to injure every marine mammal within 100 miles so that you can be sure there isn’t a sub nearby, despite not actually being at war with any sub equipped countries and despite the fact that it’s 100% legal for anyone to drive their subs around in the middle of the ocean, that really doesn’t seem like a