
The Autobahn isn’t America there isn’t a “move over for faster traffic” rule for you to misinterpret and abuse.

Hmm, so it’s an elevated parking garage with clear lines of sight but police couldn’t shoot him? They had to use a remote control bomb?

This was a small, targeted device in an otherwise empty parking garage. Lethal force was absolutely necessary to prevent further loss of life to officers and civilians. I really don’t understand what the problem is. This was a way to exercise necessary lethal force without putting any additional lives in danger. Seems

I prefer to wait until we see how law enforcement reacts before getting too doom and gloom about precedent. This was one of the deadliest attacks on police in history, a guy claiming he had explosives and that definitely had a gun he was willing to kill with, after hours of negotiations. There are not a lot of

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

A guy in the top thread explained the differences. And as long as he knows what he’s talking about (and it sounds like he does) then Tesla was straight up lying.

The UK left the EU, it didn’t leave the planet.

I’ll watch tonight when it airs on BBC USA, but I’d like to say a few things:

Power to weight, the 4.3L V6 is a boat anchor compared to the two stock 4 cylinder engines. Assuming we are talking about the Chevy 90 degree 4.3L, it is a bargain basement truck engine with little sophistication. It would make no sense to use it, as an aluminum LS V8 would be just as easy to fit for the same weight.

Don’t recall them ever making a v6 of the solstice/sky...

still wish they made ‘Diss Ass instead

So that when you need to do it on a track, it’s second nature and you can keep your attention focused on the turn/cars around you instead of thinking about what your foot is doing.

Why not?

”..and it’s something you only use in very vigorous driving...”

Ball of foot on brake, side of foot on gas... That’s how I’ve always done it.

Like the Ford Crown Victoria which was made in the American state of Ontario.

Because RPM has little to do with fuel usage compared to other factors. It factors into the BSFC chart, but load is far far more important. I can rev my engine to redline in neutral and use much less fuel than full throttle, lugging my engine at idle.

If that’s what you want, you need more low end torque, not hp.


Well Biden just got played for a fool. The Cadillac is faster. With a 200 mph top speed vs the Tesla P85 D’s 155, it far outpaces it. Now if the bet had been which is quicker...